Why You Should Switch to Organic Gardening
Organic gardening is a great way to ensure that you and your family have a healthy and balanced diet. It can help you save money, provide you with outdoor recreation and enjoyment and help positively contribute to your surrounding environment. Organic gardening practices employ no chemical fertilizers or pesticides. You'll rely only on naturally sourced products or naturally occurring methods to maintain your garden and help it thrive. Curious? Keep reading.
The Produce is Better
By growing your own produce from either seeds or starter plants, you ensure full control over the quality of the methods used. There's nothing quite like fresh produce straight from the garden, and it's fairly easy to get started. In some cases, you can begin with the scraps from organic produce you buy at the grocery store. Save the ends of things like lettuce, celery, onion, and garlic to plant in the garden. You can also save and dry seeds from vegetables like cucumbers, tomatoes, squash, and others if they're not hybrids. Since this probably won't be enough for you, look for local retailers that offer seeds for heirloom varieties. These are often more flavorful and robust than the products you can purchase from the store. You also have many options for natural fertilizers and pesticides, so you can rest assured that no harmful substances were used to grow your food.
It's Healthier for Everyone
Growing a garden at home provides you with an activity that gets you moving outside. You'll see the fruits of your labor during harvest when you can enjoy fresh homegrown produce that's been raised free from harsh artificial substances. Many pesticides contain dangerous chemicals that have been linked to cancer. You can use naturally occurring fertilizers and pesticides for your garden. Kitchen compost makes a marvelous soil treatment, white vinegar can kill weeds, and diluted pepper mist drives off most insects.
A Garden Can Be Great for Your Mental Health
Spending time outside in the sun not only allows you to absorb some healthy vitamin D, but it can also lift your mood and help maintain your spirits. As you put love and work into your garden, it will reward you by flourishing and yielding nutritious vegetables you can enjoy in your kitchen all season long. Incorporating garden maintenance into your daily or weekly routine provides a valuable activity to sustain both body and mind. It gets you outside and allows you to connect with the source of your food.Growing an organic garden is a smart and healthy way to ensure you and your family have access to nourishing food that's free from pesticides or chemical fertilizers. It's a fun activity that gets you outside in the sunshine and working in the soil. Starting up doesn't have to be expensive because you can use food scraps from existing organic produce and employ other products already found in your kitchen for maintenance and pest control. If you invest some of your time and energy into growing a garden, it will pay dividends in the form of a plentiful harvest.Want to build retaining walls so don’t have to exchange your spine health for fresh produce? Get a quote today!