Cedar window box planters - Custom sizes
How to Make a large window box or planter
While perusing the Lowe's and Home Depot stores this past weekend with my wife I had an "idea". I can't entirely claim it as mine as I am sure I got the inspiration from pinterest or someplace similar.We were looking at window boxes and planters but I could not bring myself to spending $20 on a plastic or cheaply built wooden box. So, while looking at fence posts for another project, I saw the cedar fence slats.Cedar fence slats are perfect for making planters. They are made of cedar - so slower rot, they are cheaper than premium cedar boards found in the lumber section of the store and the width is perfect for windowsill planters.For under $10 we were able to make four planters, 5'6" long and had no waste left over other than a little saw dust. To make the planters you will need 3 fence panel slats at 6' long with a dogear end. You will also need a drill (or air stapler/brad nailer - recommended), a saw and a little bit of time.We cut off 5 1/2" on the dogear end of the planters and used those as the ends and a center brace for the planter, using all of the wood material. The easiest assembly was with the air stapler as it made assembly quick and would not split the panels. We did try one using screws, but had to pre-drill holes for screws and also add small pieces of 1x1 to mount the screws to. We could also assemble 3 boxes in the time it took to make one using screws.I immediately put them to work as a "row" in my garden, in the future I have plans to hang them along the deck rails around both my pool and upper deck, plant horsetail reed in them or a similar plant and have a nice privacy screen.