Learning the Tricks of Marketing Your Lawn Care Business
It is easy to get intimidated by some of the roles you take on when you start your own lawn care business. You may be an expert at lawn care and everything that goes with it. You know all about how to buy great equipment and how to keep it in good working condition. You know all about lawns, gardens and how to support just about any request your customer's might make of you pertaining to the outdoor space around their homes or businesses.But being a business person means knowing about things you may have never wanted to know about such as accounting, management, taxes, social security, withholding, leases and employee benefits. But these elements are just as important as the work you do at a customer's site if you hope to be a success as a lawn care business. One of the areas of expertise that you should get over that sense of intimation about is marketing.You don't have to become an advertising expert to find the right marketing plan to promote your lawn care business. On the other hand, if you want to succeed and see your business grow, getting the word out to new customers is a must. You know that any business sees a steady turnover of customers. While lawn care is all about long term relationships with clients, you do need to replenish your client roster continuously. But more than that, if you want to grow, you should have marketing plan in place that will bring you new customers regularly so you can enjoy the growth you want to see your service go through.There are many avenues of expression that you can use to reach out to new customers. There is television and radio advertising, newspaper ads, billboards, magazine advertisements, flyers and many more. The first rule of thumb is to see marketing strictly as a means to the end of getting new customers. Avoid the temptation to get too creative or "show off" in your marketing. Just because Geiko and Sonic put funny advertisements on TV, that doesn’t mean you have to. Those commercials are expensive to make so to afford to use that kind of high end advertising, you have to justify it in terms of potential new business.You may get to the point in your growth that those flamboyant and fun commercials are a good fit to your marketing objectives. But make sure your marketing goals are 100% built around your business needs so you don’t make the mistake of spending a lot of money or marketing that is not making your business lots of money in return.Fit your marketing plan to the size of your business and to who your future customers are. Many times a very simple and inexpensive form of marketing is also the most effective for getting you new business. That sign that you had made up to put on the side of your company trucks and vans is outstanding a marketing. You will get most of your new business from people who see in working in the neighborhoods where you already are successful. By simply making it easy for people who see you out and about to contact you, many times you never have to do anything more to get all the customers you need.By taking advantage of the least expensive and most productive advertising and marketing first, you can see your business grow while keeping your marketing budget under control. Then when your lawn care businesses is as big as Sonic or Geiko, then you can employ cavemen and cartoon lizards to get the word out about your business.